Bonus Audio
Click the link to play the audio files.
- Substance Use as a Gap for Addressing CSEC, Kendra Tankersley-Davis – Ep. 279 Bonus
- Prevention of Childhood Vulnerabilities, Dr. Jodi Quas – Ep. 278 Bonus
- Conflict Management for Non-Profit Leaders, Dave Stachowiak- Ep. 276 Bonus
- Impact & Influence in Modern Media, Dr. Harris – Ep. 275 Bonus
- Guiding Principle in the Human Trafficking Movement, Ashleigh Chapman – Ep. 274 Bonus
- Being a Proactive Adult, Rachel Thomas – Ep. 272 Bonus
- Communicating with Youth and the Role of Shame, Brook Istook – Ep. 270 Bonus
- Where Were You?: A Profile of Modern Slavery, Matt Friedman – Ep. 269 Bonus
- The RIGHT Way to Use Medications, Dr. Anne Light – Ep. 268 Bonus
Depending on your browser, these may open in a new window or download directly to your downloads folder.
- Toolkit 1: Live2Free Churches
- Toolkit 2: The Basics
- Toolkit 3: How Pornography Plays a Role
- Toolkit 4: Law Enforcement
- Toolkit 5: Children
- Toolkit 6: How Communities Can Help
- Toolkit 7: Podcast Group Listening Exercises
- Awareness Events Toolkit – Coming Soon
- Fair Trade Fashion Show Toolkit – Coming Soon
Group Studies
Depending on your browser, these may open in a new window or download directly to your downloads folder.
- 5-Week Study: Fair Trade Basics – Coming Soon
- 5-Week Study: How Pornography Plays a Role – Coming Soon
- 7-Week Study: Prevention Strategies for Ending Human Trafficking – Coming Soon
- 8-Week Study: The Basics of Human Trafficking – Coming Soon