Do you want to learn how to use your own skills, resources, and expertise to fight human trafficking? You’re in the right place! Our podcast episodes cover the full range of human trafficking issues, directly from the voices of experts in the field.

History and Mission

The Global Center for Women and Justice launched the Ending Human Trafficking podcast in April 2011 and is now past the 300-episode mark. Many thanks to our former co-host Dr. Dave Stachowiak for his years of technical expertise and encouragement!
Our mantra is Study the Issues. Be a voice. Make a difference. We believe that if you do not study first, you may say or do the wrong thing. The National Family and Youth Services Clearinghouse promoted EHT as “a good way to get up to speed on human trafficking”.
Our audience includes students, community leaders, and even government leaders. EHT listeners come from all corners of the world, which accomplishes our mission of building a global community that works together to end human exploitation.
Meet the Host

Sandie Morgan, PhD, RN
Dr. Sandie Morgan is recognized globally for her expertise on combating human trafficking and working to end violence against women. She is the Executive Director of the Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University in Southern California.
She is passionate about the role of education in fighting human trafficking. She launched a 12-unit Anti-Human Trafficking Certificate that is totally online.
She believes everyone can do something. But first, they need to study the issue. Then they can be a voice and make a difference.
Escucha el podcast en Español
¿Desea aprender cómo usar sus propias habilidades, recursos y experiencias para luchar contra la trata de personas? ¡Está en el lugar correcto! Nuestros episodios en estas transmisiones cubren toda la gama de temas relacionados con la trata de personas, directamente de las voces de expertos en este campo.