Ending Human Trafficking: A Handbook of Strategies for the Church Today
Written by seasoned leaders and grounded in theology and up-to-date data, this accessible and compelling handbook will educate churches and organizations for truly effective work.

About the Book
Human trafficking is one of the most pressing social justice issues of our time, and in recent years there has been renewed interest among Christians.
This is a wonderful thing—and yet misinformed and misguided efforts can do more harm than good. Ending Human Trafficking is a handbook designed to educate churches and parachurch organizations for truly effective work.
In collaboration with The Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University, Ending Human Trafficking is an accessible and compelling resource for Christian leaders, written by seasoned leaders in the struggle against modern slavery. Grounded in a theological response to the issue and filled with stories, up-to-date data, and practical tools and tips, it promises to be an invaluable resource for years to come.
Meet the Authors

Shayne Moore, MA
Shayne Moore is an author, editor, and activist. She coauthored Refuse To Do Nothing: Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern Day Slavery, which was named a 2014 Resource of the Year in Outreach Magazine. Shayne is the cofounder of Redbud Writers Guild, and former director of operations at the Humanitarian Disaster Institute at Wheaton College Graduate School. With an MA in theology, Shayne is a national guest lecturer on issues of global justice.
Sandie Morgan, PhD, RN
Sandie Morgan is director of the Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University. She is recognized globally as a leader in the fight against human trafficking. She hosts the Ending Human Trafficking podcast, and she also served by presidential appointment on the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking.

Kimberly Yim, MA
Kimberly McOwen Yim is cofounder and executive director of the SOCO Institute, and she writes and speaks on issues related to human trafficking. She is also coauthor (with Shayne Moore) of Refuse To Do Nothing: Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern Day Slavery.
Foreword by Ambassador John Cotton Richmond
Introduction: Build a Safety Fence
1. Elements and Types of Human Trafficking
2. Past and Present: Understanding the History of Slavery
3. Prevention: Increasing Safety for the Most Vulnerable
4. Protection: Identify and Report
5. Prosecution: People in Places of Power
6. Partnership: Create Lasting Change Through Collaboration
7. Policy: Churches and Nonprofits
Prayer: Stand Firm
Appendix A: Common Abbreviations and Glossary
Appendix B: FEMA Letter to Faith Leaders
Appendix C: Faith and Freedom Policy Brief
Additional Resources
“Human trafficking—whether for labor or for sex—is modern-day slavery. It is an assault on the dignity of people created in God’s image, and Christians must oppose it. In this book, my good friend Sandra Morgan and her coauthors offer a six-point comprehensive strategy for churches to collaborate with others in the godly work of ending human trafficking. This is an eye-opening and helpful book!”
—George O. Wood, chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship
“A guide for church organizations and the Christian academy, this powerful handbook sets forth well-informed strategies for community-wide partnerships in the fight against modern slavery. Ending Human Trafficking includes first-person stories, interviews, and action-step questions to help readers study the issues, understand the ethical concerns at stake, and identify their own appropriate roles in a community-wide model of collaboration. This timely book is a must-read for Christian educators and church leaders who aim to partner with licensed, trained sectors of society—such as law enforcement—with the goal of empowering each survivor’s personal dignity.”
—Karen A. Lee, provost, Wheaton College
“I want every Jesus follower to have their eyes opened to the prevalence of modern-day slavery. Ending Human Trafficking does that and so much more. This gripping and practical guidebook gives you, your church, and your family the tools and tips you need to make slavery history.”
—Kara Powell, chief of leadership formation at Fuller Seminary and executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute
“Wow! A must-read for everyone–regardless of where you volunteer or work. Perhaps the top two taboo topics in the church are mental health and human trafficking. We now have a handbook for becoming what the authors call ‘human-trafficking-literate.’ They guide you through strategies that will help your organization prevent children, women, and men from becoming victims of modern slavery. I was blind, but now I see. Thank you.”
—Chip Espinoza, author of Managing the Millennials
“The world needs more from the church than people who care; the world needs Christians who know what to do. In this compelling new book, Shayne Moore and her colleagues apply this reasoning to the scourge of human trafficking. Their comprehensive, well-informed, and collaborative strategies will empower churches to play their unique and indispensable role in ending modern slavery—effectively helping without inadvertently hurting. Perhaps most importantly, Moore, Morgan, and Yim show how prayerful Christians can make a global difference by protecting the most vulnerable people in their local communities.”
—Philip Ryken, president of Wheaton College
“Ending Human Trafficking is a call to both reflection and action. It challenges the reader to count the personal cost of standing against human depravity and standing up for the millions trapped in slavery. Moore, Morgan, and Yim deploy their substantial understanding and experience to provide a comprehensive guide for effecting real change.”
—Michael J. Beals, president of Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, California
“This handbook, aptly named, targets a church audience by unpacking the unique ways in which the church can respond to human trafficking. That responsive relevance brings the church into the classroom with well-constructed chapters unraveling the complexities and methodologies of thoughtfully addressing modern day slavery. Scripture and spiritual values are not thrown in as an afterthought. Faith, as presented, complements an understanding of the complex darkness of human trafficking while turning on a light to strategies of action. The church’s sitting down together in reading Ending Human Trafficking will multiply their creative conscience on the atrocity of human trafficking. God’s people will become a practical and transformational presence to the prayers of millions held in captivity.”
—M. Christine MacMillan, commissioner, founding chair of the World Evangelical Alliance Human Trafficking Task Force
“In the battle against human trafficking and restoring victims, the church has a vital role to play. In Ending Human Trafficking, Moore, Morgan, and Yim provide a well-researched, practical handbook to coach the local church in how to engage antitrafficking collaboratively in their communities and help victims in their recovery. This book offers needed knowledge, best practices in the field, and sound theology. It’s a great resource for church leaders, teachers, and ministry students.”
—Beth Grant, executive director of Project Rescue and author of Courageous Compassion: Doing Social Justice God’s Way
“I did not know how much I needed to read this profoundly important book! I started reading it in the hope that I could pick up some hints about how to do a better job of motivating well-meaning Christians who feel the urgency but do not grasp the complexities of combating human trafficking. I did not get far into these pages before I realized that I was myself one of those well-meaning Christians who still had a lot to learn on the subject. I hope this book becomes the key resource for a global Christian effort to ‘bring liberty to those who are oppressed.'”
—Richard J. Mouw, president emeritus of Fuller Theological Seminary
“This book is a gift to the church. It draws a road map that respects and integrates biblical teachings with professional and practical frameworks to bring a collaborative response to build critical safety nets in our communities and nations. It shows the realities of the issues and connects them to the responsibility and the potential of the church to bring hope, healing, and love as fellow collaborators in a broken world. Each one of us is part of this problem, and each one can be part of the solution. Wilberforce said, ‘You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.'”
—Helen Sworn, executive director of Chab Dai
“This book is one that has been needed for a long time. It is a comprehensive understanding of the entire issue of human trafficking. The writing is compelling and authored by respected professionals who have been working in this field for a long time. All this is coupled with hope for every person to be a participant in ending this evil.”
—Jo Anne Lyon, founder of World Hope International
“After reading Ending Human Trafficking, I understand more than ever before how Christians, especially churches, are key stakeholders in the fight to combat human trafficking. This book outlines the steps for Christians to see themselves as activists. What I like about this book is that it highlights that the walk to freedom for individuals who are exploited is a polylithic one, bringing together the body of Christ. As a survivor of human trafficking, I feel relieved that the church is stepping in to be present and informed on their roles in the dark realities of labor and sex trafficking, so the goals of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act—protection, prevention, prosecution, partnership, and policy—can be achieved. If you are a church, a believer, or anyone who trusts in the gospel, get this book! Use it as a guide on how to support survivors. You will not be disappointed. I will continue to say that it is only by the grace of God that I am alive and able to share my story as a survivor. By getting this book, you are helping give other survivors a voice. As of now, the church is a day too late . . . catch up!”
—Bella J. Hounakey, human trafficking survivor-advocate and member of the President’s U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking
“I remember feeling unseen by the only place I knew to run to at that time—the church. I was internally screaming for help, and I was confident that they would respond because, well, it was the church. Instead, they gave me water and sent me back with my trafficker. I was confused and angry that they did not do more, but they just didn’t know how to help me. I didn’t even know that I was being trafficked, so how could they? Ending Human Trafficking is a powerful and vital resource that will equip the church with the tools to end human trafficking once and for all. The strategies outlined in the handbook make what seems like an impossible feat feel like a hope-filled journey full of practical steps to fight and defeat such an atrocious crime. The handbook serves as an answer key for ending human trafficking. There is not one agency, ally, or church that has all the tools to end trafficking, but if we put our tools together, we can do it. This is a must-have resource.”
—Kathy Givens, overcomer and cofounder of Twelve 11 Partners
“I very much appreciated Sandie Morgan’s eye-opening presentation on human trafficking at our Crisis Publishing Initiative conference in Hungary in 2017, so I was delighted to hear that she had cowritten a book on this often-misunderstood topic. This practical book delineates the sensible ways the church can most effectively engage in the fight against human trafficking. The compelling overview of human trafficking through the centuries and in all its sometimes-surprising permeations today is well-documented, liberally illustrated with case studies, and theologically grounded. It will be immensely valuable to anyone who is concerned about human trafficking and looking for a way to make an impact in the battle against this evil practice.”
—Sharon Mumper, president of Magazine Training International
“Ending Human Trafficking drew me in with its poignant call for the church to recognize its unique position in addressing the essential work of trafficking prevention. Using principled frameworks and helpful real-life scenarios, this work underscores the importance of conviction and prayer coupled with developing an informed approach for sustained activism that can heal broken systems and invite true freedom.”
—Betty Ann Hagenau, founder of the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition and Airport Initiative, recipient of the Modern-Day Abolitionist Award
“When it comes to the prevention of human trafficking, many of us don’t know where or how to start. Ending Human Trafficking offers churches and individuals valuable insight into the widespread problem of human trafficking and how to be a part of the solution. This book will prove to be a valuable resource for organizations and churches.”
—Bob Goff, author of Love Does and Everybody, Always
“Good intentions don’t always translate to good impact. While the heart of church leaders to end trafficking is admirable, it’s too often the case that a church impedes our shared goal to eradicate modern slavery. This book helps church leaders discover exactly what they need to know before engaging further—and then shows how to take the immediate, practical steps that will make a real difference.”
—Dave Stachowiak, host of the Coaching for Leaders podcast and cohost of the Ending Human Trafficking podcast
“The authors address a very relevant issue in today’s anti-human-trafficking efforts: How do faith-based organizations channel their passion to serve and their resources to effectively enhance anti-human-trafficking efforts? Faith-based organizations are a critical multidisciplinary, collaborative partner that can add significant value to anti-human-trafficking task forces. Providing them with achievable strategies that are agency appropriate and reflect best practices creates greater opportunities to establish more comprehensive and cooperative responses for victim-survivors. The authors provide a realistic framework and approaches for faith-based organizations to follow to assure their efforts supplement those of other anti-human-trafficking agencies, basing these suggestions on both experience and research. Faith-based organizations can use this book as a manual to create successful anti-human-trafficking programs with collaborative stakeholders benefiting victim-survivors, task force partners, and reinforcing their own passion and mission to serve the at-risk and vulnerable communities within their fellowships.”
—Derek Marsh, associate director of the Global Center for Women and Justice, deputy chief (retired) Westminster California Police Department