In this episode of the Ending Human Trafficking Podcast, GCWJ Director Dr. Sandra Morgan and Board Member Dave Stachowiak discuss the 2014 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report released in June 2014. Compiled by the US State Department, the TIP Report is a special country study model that evaluates the efforts of each country to pursue prevention and protection for victims, as well as prosecution for traffickers. Each year, the TIP report provides an overview of what is happening globally in the fight against human trafficking. Additionally, the TIP report honors TIP Heroes, individuals who are working to end human trafficking in their countries. Highlights of this year’s report include survivor quotes from our friends Carissa Phelps (Episode 19) and Shyima Hall (Episode 73). Finally, a new feature in this year’s TIP Report is Media Best Practices. This is a very important guide for journalists, filmmakers, non-profits, and any other groups pursuing human trafficking media projects. Tune in to this episode to hear Dr. Morgan’s overview of the Media Best Practices and understand how you can help make a difference!
2014 Trafficking in Persons Report
Carissa Phelps’s Podcast Episode
Global Center for Women and Justice
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