On November 7-8, 2013, GCWJ hosted a special two-day event called the Frontline Summit: Where is the Frontline in the War Against Child Exploitation? The Summit partnered with Orange County Juvenile Courts and Orange County Department of Education in order to bring together more than 100 professionals working on the frontlines – educators, probation officers, law enforcement, probation department, etc. During the two-day event, participants worked through three main questions in order to identify gaps in identifying and serving exploited children. Tune in for this episode of the Ending Human Trafficking podcast with GCWJ Director Sandra Morgan and Board Member Dave Stachowiak to hear about the key ideas, gaps, and needs in order to better serve child victims of commercial sexual exploitation from the Frontline Summit!
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Special thank you to Orange County Juvenile Courts, Orange County Department of Education, and the many student researchers who assisted with the Summit!
EHT Podcast 16: Laura Lederer Gangs & Human Trafficking
EHT Podcast 46: Knowledge of Harms: Demand Reduction
Global Center for Women and Justice
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