75 – World Hope International: Introducing Lisa Thompson

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The latest episode of the Ending Human Trafficking podcast features GCWJ Director Sandra Morgan and Board Member Dave Stachowiak speaking with the Director of Anti-Trafficking for World Hope International, Lisa Thompson. Lisa has a worked in the anti-trafficking movement for many years, including 12 years with The Salvation Army. She transitioned in September 2013 to her role with World Hope where she focuses on building community and victim-centered programming in three countries Azerbaijan, Cambodia, and Sierra Leone. Tune in to hear Lisa’s overview of the assessment and recovery centers World Hope runs in each of these countries, as well as the unique model that the organization is employing in Sierra Leone to build up community support from community leaders in order to prevent and protect those vulnerable to exploitation.

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**Correction fron Lisa Thompson: While discussing the topic of IDPs (internally displaced persons), I made reference to Syria and the refugee crisis (refugees being those who have fled the country). Unfortunately, I neglected to loop in the fact that there 6.5 million IDPs in Syria—persons who have fled their former homes due to the ongoing civil war to seek sanctuary elsewhere within Syria—making them internally displaced persons.




World Hope International

World Hope Trafficking Report

Chab Dai

Ensure Justice 2014 – Why is She a Slave? Global Child Trafficking: Prevention and Early Intervention


Global Center for Women and Justice

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