The Global Center for Women and Justice is celebrating 10 years of research, achievements, and community engagement as we continue our mission to follow James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” In this special episode of the Ending Human Trafficking Podcast, Director Sandie Morgan and Board Member Dave Stachowiak share history about our student scholars, the early years of the Center including the wonderful leaders who laid the foundation to focus on Women’s Studies at a Christian university, and how GCWJ has worked to fight human trafficking through community engagement and training.
A special thank you to the Vanguard University community for supporting GCWJ for the last 10 years!
And we want to thank you – our listening community! Thank you for your comments, encouragement, and support as we work together to end human trafficking and follow James 1:27’s call to practice true religion – looking after the orphans and widows.
Global Center for Women and Justice 10 Year Timeline
Global Center for Women and Justice 10th Anniversary Events
Global Center for Women and Justice
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