56 – Interview with Husseina Akil Bangshika

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During the Nigerian Women Against Violence Conference (NWAV) held May 22-24 at Vanguard University, GCWJ Director Sandie Morgan sat down with Husseina Akil Bangshika. Husseina is a Jounalist for the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria in the capital city of Abuja.

The NWAV conference was a unique blend of cross-cultural learning. The guests from Africa shared stories of violence and modern-day slavery, as well as the work currently being carried out. In turn, local Orange County professionals shared best practices and strategies for the guests to take back and implement. The conference drew over 40 individuals from Nigeria and Kenya, as well as local community members interested in learning more about the issues.

In this interview, Husseina discusses that, as some of the speakers suggest, “one of the major supplier of humans for trafficking is Africa, and by implication Nigeria being the most populous country in Africa.” As the population continues to grow and work is difficult to find, many of the rural and under-educated population accept traffickers appealing offers for “jobs.”  Education is key in impacting families being taken advantage by traffickers.

Nigeria is engaged in local efforts despite the lack of strong institutions in place. NGOs in the county, as well as the government funded National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons, focus on rescuing, rehabilitating, and reintegrating survivors. But because it is a global problem, Hussenia emphasizes trafficking need global solutions. Tune in to learn more about how Nigeria is working to end human trafficking.



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