51 – Reports from the Field: Networking and Building Community at Conferences

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How do you get the most of out a conference? GCWJ Director Sandra Morgan and Board member Dave Stachowiak discuss how you can learn to be a voice is by attending conferences. A conference is an excellent place study the issue of human trafficking, as well as network with others who share the same goals. Building relationships is key in accomplishing what needs to be done, as Dave shared using Keith Ferrazzi book Never Eat Alone.

This podcast provides an overview of two main conferences Sandra spoke at this spring: Justice Matters Conference in Murrieta, CA, which was focused on building capacity for local church efforts, partnering with local/federal law enforcement, and identifying expertise and resources; and The Justice Conference in Philadelphia, PA that featured a University Forum, an opportunity for academic institutions to discuss building anti-human trafficking networks. Listen to Sandra’s summary of each conference, including key speakers and messages that provide you with the resources and information that you need to combat human trafficking and make a difference in your community.

Advice: Come early. Leave late. Talk to people. Networking is KEY!

Check out some of the difference resources from these conferences, and learn more about the organizations involved:

Never Eat Alone Podcast with Keith Ferrazzi

Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries

The Salvation Army USA

Treasures – Harmony Dust


One Day’s Wages

All Girls Allowed


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