Stacey Jewell joins Dr. Sandra Morgan and Dave Stachowiak to share about how to help survivors find their voice and decide how much they want to share. They also discuss the responsibilities of both non-profits and survivor-speakers.
Key Points
- Connect with survivors by finding out who they are as a human being outside of their victimization.
- Survivors often believe things that are untrue because they’ve had to develop their own scripts to survive.
- It’s important to fully respect survivors who just want to move on and not be a survivor-speaker.
- When fundraising, non-profits need to be sure they don’t lose sight of their main purpose, which is to help victims, not raise money.
- Survivors should be financially compensated for their time speaking so they can cover their costs and know that they are valued.
- Ask a survivor about their actual needs, don’t try to guess.
- A Speaker’s Agreement is the responsibility of any non-profit seeking a survivor-speaker.
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