132 – Ensure Justice: Principle and Practice

Ending Human Trafficking Podcast Logo

The Ensure Justice Conference is GCWJ’s annual educational collaboration.  March 2017 marks the 10 year anniversary of Ensure Justice and the theme will be to “Build a Strong Child.” The question is how do we reduce the risk for kids and take preventative action against the rapidly growing industry of pornography and sex trafficking. The real secret to prevention is resiliency. To make “ensuring justice” the principle and the practice a highly valued aspect of fighting trafficking we have to make the story about resilience important. Collaboration happens at Ensure Justice when people get together to understand the value of advocating against human trafficking. Proverbs 31:8, “Be a voice for those that have no voice; ensure justice for those being crushed.” Ensure Justice conference will be focusing on building strong children in our community, around schools, and globally.


Ensure Justice Conference

OCHTTF 2016 Victim Report

Anti-Human Trafficking Certificate Program

Global Center for Women and Justice

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