111 – Collaborating Against Human Trafficking

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During this episode, Sandra Morgan and Dave Stachowiak interview special guest Kirsten Foot. Kirsten Foot serves on the Board on Editorial Board on Human Trafficking and acts as Professor of Communication at the University of Washington. On this episode, Kirsten discusses aspects of her new book Collaborating Against Human Trafficking: Cross-Sector Challenges and Practices .

Foot realized in the early 2000s the lack of collaboration among task forces and related groups fighting against human trafficking. In researching this topic further, Foot looked into the daily operations of task forces, talked to many leaders of task forces, and attended hundreds of meetings. Essentially all groups stated a desire for collaboration and alliances. Yet Foot was able to discover that such collaboration was not taking place. Instead, what was taking place was the creation of new task forces left and right. Groups were not working together. Instead they were acting too independently and believed they themselves could do a better job at bringing people together than others. With this knowledge that groups were not collaborating with each other to combat the perils of human trafficking, Foot went about tackling the question, why is collaboration so tough? How can the act of collaboration be made more practical to leaders? How can the message be conveyed that collaboration allows for better understanding of the issues at hand? All this and more on today’s podcast.

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Kristin Foot’ Book

Dr. Sandra Morgan’s new blog

Global Center for Women and Justice

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